Yes, that’s right. NO more sex drive. Just try to imagine a world without that annoying sex drive making you do stupid things. No more fighting yourself to keep your mind off sex. No more distractions from short skirts and feminine cleavage or muscular chests glistening with sweat. No more single’s bars, all night romps, and inevitable regrets in the morning. No more wondering if your spouse is really working late. Life would be sweeter, calmer and more peaceful, don’t you think? Students could concentrate on their studies. One could focus on their career. The intellectual genius of mankind could soar to new heights without the urge to merge.
dieagraHuman sexuality is complicated with heterosexuals, homosexuals, bisexuals, asexuals, pansexual, transexual, and countless sexually deviant obsessions. We are overwhelmed with sex in movies, on television and in advertisements. The world just has too much sex and too many people thinking about sex. With the world population exploding to over 7 billion humans on this planet, do we really need Viagra? Wouldn’t the world be a better place with “Diagra,” the little black pill?! Kiss your libido good-bye with all new extended relief “Diagra.” It would fly off the shelves with every tired mother and housewife sprinkling it their husband’s food and adding to their teenager’s sack lunch. Teachers would surely be grateful and no more office romances breaking up marriages.
Doctors may claim that a healthy sex life is a sign of good health but I disagree. Sex is extremely risky to your health with all the sexually transmitted diseases and infections out there. Is swapping body fluids really the healthiest thing to do? If
we should cover our mouths when we sneeze, wash our hands after using the bathroom why in the world should we be compelled to “do the nasty?” It would be far healthier to go for a walk, ride a bike, or eat a chocolate bar for heaven’s sake.
Oh, what about love, you might be thinking. We need love, don’t we? Of course, we need love but wouldn’t we make better decisions about who to love if our minds weren’t clouded with lust? We could actually get to know a person and their unique qualities instead of falling for their “hotness.” A mate would be someone you had a lot in common with that was your best friend and companion. You would decide to have a family when you both desired to be parents and children would be planned.
desire be gone
After pointing out all the benefits of a no libido world, you can’t possibly be thinking about having sex right now?! I mean come on people. Let’s start a movement to end this terrible blight on humanity! Stop it right now! And remember what your mother used to say, “ If you play with that thing, you’ll go blind!”
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